It's all about the tactics and strategies on this week's episode as the party convenes their war council to plan adjustments to their defenses, possible avenues of attack, and how to get LSD into every single household they can.
Ep 84.5 - Mini-Episode - Level Up to 13
It's a short and sweet episode this week as the Hijinkscrew goes over the new tricks and abilities that they've picked up now that everyone is level 13!
Ep. 84 - Preparations (Interlude) - Part 1
The party takes a moment to rest and reflect while they wait for Kel's informant to provide the location of their next mission. But is this the calm before the storm? Or did we already use that line in a previous adventure arc's title? Wouldn't be the first time we've recycled a bad joke!
Also on this week's episode: Alton plans for the future; Ion receives a surprise visitor; Fulgrim makes a proposal; and Hunter preaches that good, good word.
Ep. 83.5 - Mini-Episode - Best of Table Talk 2018
2018 huh? That was a heck of a year. Sort of made it hard to find the funny. But we dug deep into the archives and found...well we found something ok? So please enjoy the "best" of table talk for 2018, now eleven days into 2019.
Track List:
1. Alan Rickman Ghosted Me
2. Jesus Talk
3. Michael Jordan Is Good At Basketball
4. Press Secretary Shaggy
5. The Parrot Will See You Know
6. Farming Is Fun
7. Tom Will Fight Train
8. "And Then She Bought A Samarui Sword..."
9. Everyone Hates Creed
Ep. 83 - Ain't No Temple Dry Enough - Part 10
The party limps back to Deephearth to tend to their wounds on this weeks episode. With Harold Greyspear now in control of three elemental artifacts, can they find a way to locate and obtain the fourth before it's too late? Or will a shocking revelation stop them in their tracks before they even have a chance to begin? Listen in to find out!
Also on this week's episode: Ion charisma's some faces off; Hunter seriously leans into this Ilmater thing; and everyone dunks on Alton.