Ep. 73 - The Road To Redemption - Part 13

The party returns...triumphantly to Waterdeep with the true name of the Beautiful Corruption in their possession and with it, Ion's redemption. But will the Order of the Gallant Shield accept him back into the fold? Listen in to find out!

Also on this week's episode: Fulgrim has a lovely axe for you; Alton just wants to take a breather; A broken Hunter is finally right once a day; and it's Ion's turn to storm our dramatically.

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 

Ep. 72 - The Road To Redemption - Part 12

The party finally has what it sought. Odsudenay, the true name of the Beautiful Corruption has been revealed, granting Ion and the Order of the Gallant Shield all they need to end her once and for all. But first the party must find their way out of the lost city of Namir. Surely that will go smoothly right? After everything else they've been through? Yes, surely. 

Also on this week's episode: Ion leaves it all on the sportz field; Fulgrim is basically Kevin James at this point; Hunter knows everything about dragons; And Alton will never forgive Doug.

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 

Ep. 71.5 - Mini-Episode - Oops All Housekeeping!

It's a super quick mini-episode this week at Plus One to Hijinks. With Memorial Day weekend fast approaching that means KublaCon kicks off today in Burlingame, California. Eric, Jordan and Stephen will all be repping the Hijinkscrew at the con so if you happen to spot them, be sure to say hi!

Also we're looking to do a second Q&A episode sometime soon and want your questions! You can send them in to us via our email, plusonetohijinks@gmail.com or you can hit us up on Facebook, Twitter or at plusonetohijinks.com!

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 

Ep. 70.5 - Mini-Episode - Aaron's All Alone With His Judgement

Marvel's phase 3 is winding down. There have been a lot of movies since the first Iron Man in 2008. See Aaron's totally scientific, and not just an exercise in recency bias, take on each marvel movie produced. See if something is a hit (Guardians of the Galaxy) or miss (The Incredible Hulk). What makes something a hit or miss? Feelings of course.

Also, as bonus textual content, here are Netflix's hits and misses: Daredevil Season 1 - Hit, Jessica Jones Season 1 - Hit, Luke Cage Season 1 - Hit, Iron Fist Season 1- Miss, Daredevil Season 1.5 - Miss, The Punisher Season 0.5 - Hit, The Defenders - Miss, The Punisher Season 1 - Hit, Jessica Jones Season 2 - Hit.