Happy Thanksgiving! No episode this week sorry!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The Hijinkscrew wishes each and every one of our listeners the warmest holiday wishes and hopes that you had an amazing Thanksgiving if you happen to celebrate it. 

No episode this week due to the holiday, but worry not! We will back with another piping hot serving of hijinks next Friday!

Ep. 59.5 - Mini-Episode - Stranger Things 2 Roundtable

We're turning things Upside Down this week as we crank the dial up to Eleven to talk about Stranger Things 2. We beefed it pretty bad last year and didn't get together to talk about the first season, but we're back to talk about the second. Did we love it? Did we hate it? Are our opinions just Dust-in the wind? Something, something mindflayer? Tune in to find out!

Oh and SPOILER ALERT. If you've heard our round tables before then you know that they're rife with spoilers. This is your official warning, because here there be spoilers. 

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 

Ep. 58.5 - Mini-Episode - Listener Q&A!

You've got questions and we've got answers! This week the Hijinkscrew goes over the questions that our listeners sent in and do our best to provide appropriate answers. Or inappropriate as the case typically is. 

If you have a question you'd like us to answer on a future episode you can send it in via email at plusonetohijinks@gmail.com, or on Twitter or our Facebook page!

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 


2017 Halloween Special - A Bad Dream on Birch Lane

The stairs creak as you slowly tip toe down them and into the darkened living room. Did you really hear something moving around down here? Or was it just your imagination? Suddenly something lunges out of the darkness! It's the third annual Plus One to Hijinks Halloween special and it hungers for you!

Join Alton, Fulgrim, Hunter and Ion as they embark on a journey to a place so terrifying that their blood runs cold at the mere thought of it...high school! Can the survive the literal and figurative monsters that are teenagers? Only those brave enough to listen along will find out!