Mini Episode

Ep. 30.5 - Mini-Episode - Building a Better Ranger

We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Stronger...faster...less terrible as a class. 

On this week's mini-episode, DM Tom talks at you about the newly revised Ranger class that was recently posted on the official Dungeons and Dragons homepage as part of their Unearthed Arcana feature. 

Based on feedback and previous playtests, Wizards of the Coast is continuing to revisit the Ranger to address some of the concerns expressed by D&D players on the viability of the class and it's place in the game. 

There are a lot of big changes in this latest revision and we here at Plus One to Hijinks are never afraid to dive in head and/or feet first! We're going to be road testing this puppy over the coming months as Stephen updates Hunter based on this latest version. What will his experience be like? Will this be broken as hell and something DM Tom regrets suggesting? We'll find out and report back!

Right click and select "Save As" to download the episode. 


The Ranger, Revised via Wizards of the Coast

Ep. 29.5 - Mini-Episode - Leveling Up to Level 5

Ding! Time to level up again! The party is now officially level 5, which is a pretty significant milestone in a D&D Characters life. Spellcasters get access to 3rd level spells, proficiency bonuses go up, and some characters just get a boat load of complete and utter bullsh*t that is going to make DM Tom cry. 

So join us as we grow as people, players and Stephen eats peanuts on mic. Because that's the sort of quality you can expect from Plus One to Hijinks. 

Right Click here and select "Save As" to download the episode.